


expresiones inspiradas en el sol 🌞
(xatu + sunflora)

physical pieces 2024

permanent vinyl on gesso hardboard

2023-2024 illustrsation

2019 - 2023 graphic design

about myself
sobre mí mismo

Hi 👋🏽 I'm Robert. I have a Bachelor's of Social Work and I am currently pursuing a second Bachelor's of Arts. I am a member of Fire House Nacogdoches, a horizontally-structured art collective in East Texas 🔥 🏠 my style comes from being personable, listening to music and the sun as a whole as well as my mixed Mexican culture. When I was a kid the video game Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube had a big impact on me 🦜 the landscape and visuals inspired my love for tropical scenery. A common theme in my artwork are faces; I'm interested in sociology and the diversity of people across the earth.In my social work education I presented at the local, state and national level on work I did with QR Codes being utilized in rural macro practice 📱 I co-produced a psychology conference and received an award in research at my convocation. I interned with The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, a federally recognized Indian Tribe in Livingston, Texas ⭐ The Tribe & I co-published an article on QR Codes in macro practice.Thanks for cheking my portfolio out. If you want to contact me you can do so at hello@xaflora.com ✉️

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unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to robert hurt and xaflora with appropriate and specific direction to the original content